VTM has signed the EU Declaration for equal opportunities for women and men in the transport sector

7th March 2025
By Isabel Pimenta

International Women’s Day 2025 (March 8th) is approaching. To celebrate the occasion, VTM has signed the Declaration by the Women in Transport – EU Platform for Change, an initiative of the European Commission, reaffirming its commitment to promoting equal opportunities for women and men in the transport sector.

In fact, the transport sector is not gender balanced, with only 22% of women as transport workers.

We at VTM agree that:

  •  Gender-disaggregated data should be collected and analysed to provide a sound basis for planning policies and measures, monitoring progress and assessing the impact of targeted actions.
  •  To increase female employment, company-based measures should be supported by broader institutional and societal efforts in order to drive the necessary cultural changes. This includes, for example, fighting stereotypes from an early age through education.
  •  Women should enjoy equal opportunities with regard to career development and being present and involved at all levels, including representation, management and decision making.
  •  A positive organizational culture as well as adequate employment and working conditions are key to ensuring that transport professions are attractive: e.g. fair and transparent recruitment processes, equal pay and career opportunities, adequate working environments and facilities, measures to support work-life balance and knowledge and skills development.
  •  Any form of discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation or violence in the workplace must be eliminated.

We at VTM are committed to ensuring gender equality in Transport, within our respective fields of competence.

We at VTM call upon all actors to address the above issues through appropriate measures.

We at VTM strongly encourage stakeholders to use the EU Platform for Change to make their individual endeavours more widely known and to share good practices across modes of transportation and countries.


Finally, we invite all those who have not yet signed to commit to a relevant cause in our sector (Declaration can be read here, and signed here).