“A developed country is not a place where the poor have cars. It’s where the rich use public transportation ” – so Gustavo Petro reminds us.
This statement couldn’t be more in line with the national and international vision of mobility. In fact, it is a perfect reflection of the goals outlined in the National Strategy for Active Mobility until 2030.
The ambitions are clear and audacious: to increase the modal share of pedestrian journeys to 35%, to increase pedestrian space accessible to all by 50% and to reduce sedentary lifestyles by 15%. These goals are in line with the vision for the use of bicycles – a significant increase in the length of cycle paths and a consequent reduction in road accidents for cyclists.
As part of this progressive vision, VTM had the privilege of taking part in the first edition of the International Congress on Sustainable School Mobility (CIMES) in Ílhavo. The event was a valuable platform where we were able to hear first-hand about the various initiatives, challenges and solutions that are being developed both nationally and internationally on the subject.
The Congress showed initiatives such as Eco Schools, School Sport on Wheels, the creation of the support manual for teachers and qualified technicians: Pedala! From School to Life, and the National Bicycle Award are crucial to encouraging the adoption of more sustainable forms of transport and raising awareness of them among local authorities and municipalities.
One of the most significant highlights of CIMES was emphasizing the crucial role of children as catalysts for the future and for change. The event highlighted the importance of initiating mobility literacy as early as pre-school. Teaching children about sustainable mobility from an early age is more than an option; it’s an imperative for the future we want.
As mobility consultants, VTM has the pleasure and responsibility of applying and focusing all our know-how to contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable society. And it is with enthusiasm that we continue to integrate these visions and goals into the solutions we offer our clients and partners. We are committed to catalyzing change and moving in this direction.
“Get on your bikes to change your life. Cycling is humanism” Marc Augé – In Praise of the Bicycle.
VTM is Portuguese, Spanish, Italian… but also Brazilian, Romanian, Polish — and the list keeps growing! To celebrate this richness, we thought it would be both useful and fun to give our Clients and colleagues a little help: how to properly pronounce our names. Let’s see how it goes — practice makes perfect!
Earlier this year, VTM leveraged its professional expertise to provide contributions to the written consultations and meetings organised by IMT-Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes, focusing on the elaboration of guidelines for the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs). On December 10th, the official launch of the SUMP Guide took place at the Fórum […]