Transport Innovation Gender Observatory (TInnGO)


Women face higher risks and burdens than men in transport, due to unequal access to resources, education, job opportunities and entrenched socio-cultural norms. No former EU-funded project had applied an intersectional gender approach to smartening transport. TInnGO therefore lead research into a new era and used such knowledge to achieve impacts on Social, Economic, Environmental and European ambitions of growth, wealth and innovation.

The project developed a framework and mechanisms for a sustainable game change in European transport using the transformative strategy of gender- and diversity-sensitive smart mobility. It addressed gender-related contemporary challenges in the transport ecosystem and women’s mobility needs, creating a route for Gender Sensitive Smart Mobility in European Transport, which considers diversity of different groups.

Within the study, VTM was assigned a number of targets:

  • To explore mobility and designate the main drivers of mobility needs
  • To explore the reasons behind non-materialized trips
  • To understand what the effect of personal life, restrictions, activities and obligations is
  • To assess what the role of transport system (safety, security, land-use and perceived safety) is on women’s mobility behaviour and their opportunities in employment
  • To quantify the impact of transport policies and use of technologies on different user groups.

Intersectional analysis, with gender aligned to socio-cultural dimensions, was applied to different types of transport data, assessment tools, new mobility policies, planning and services to show the prevalence of transport poverty in traditionally hard-to-reach groups.

TInnGO showed how inequalities are created and addressed gendered practices of education, employment, technological innovations and entrepreneurship as arenas for change and inclusion of gendered innovations. A Pan-European observatory for gender smart transport innovation (TInnGO) provided a nexus for data collection, analysis, dissemination of gender mainstreaming tools and open innovation. TInnGO’s emphasis on diverse and specific transport needs was shown in a unique comparative approach enabling contributions from, and influence of 13 member states in 10 hubs.





EU Commission


Sustainable mobility


EU-funded projects